Sommarens favoritbikini är framplockad. Eller inte.
Yes, nu är den uppfiskad! (ur fiskskålen.. ha ha kul)..

Alltså hur jävla små bröst ska man inte ha liksom? Eller?
Menar, det kan ju inte hjälpa hur fasta bröst man har om de är stora för då når den ju inte över nipplesen haha!
Usch vilken grotesk syn. Sorry peeps. Tur att bh:n är på iallafall :P
Nu måste jag gå och lägga mig. Är fruktansvärt trött :(
Imorgon blir det jobb och... slappande haha.
Okej nu började jag lyssna på Billie the vision & the dancers. Var ett tag sen. Åh vad fint :)
"Would you mind if I take of my glasses
and turn blind for the rest of the night
Would you put them back on in the morning
if you're still here
I won't mind if you take of your glasses
I'll put them back on when you're awake
It's ironic that you can not use
the most beautiful eyes that I've seen
There's something about you that I love
Might be your fingers, your teeth, I don't know
or the jokes that you tell after midnight
when we're the only ones awake
And we laughed and we laughed and we laughed again
and we cried and we cried and we cried
cause the secret love that we had
was tearing us apart
And my paintings were always important
your were the very first one to see
I counted sheep for a week cause I couldn't sleep
Your reaction was a crossroad to me
We fell asleep just an hour before daylight
we woke up by a cat in our bed
It jumped in from our open window
it scared the youth out of you and me
And we laughed..."

Alltså hur jävla små bröst ska man inte ha liksom? Eller?
Menar, det kan ju inte hjälpa hur fasta bröst man har om de är stora för då når den ju inte över nipplesen haha!
Usch vilken grotesk syn. Sorry peeps. Tur att bh:n är på iallafall :P
Nu måste jag gå och lägga mig. Är fruktansvärt trött :(
Imorgon blir det jobb och... slappande haha.
Okej nu började jag lyssna på Billie the vision & the dancers. Var ett tag sen. Åh vad fint :)
"Would you mind if I take of my glasses
and turn blind for the rest of the night
Would you put them back on in the morning
if you're still here
I won't mind if you take of your glasses
I'll put them back on when you're awake
It's ironic that you can not use
the most beautiful eyes that I've seen
There's something about you that I love
Might be your fingers, your teeth, I don't know
or the jokes that you tell after midnight
when we're the only ones awake
And we laughed and we laughed and we laughed again
and we cried and we cried and we cried
cause the secret love that we had
was tearing us apart
And my paintings were always important
your were the very first one to see
I counted sheep for a week cause I couldn't sleep
Your reaction was a crossroad to me
We fell asleep just an hour before daylight
we woke up by a cat in our bed
It jumped in from our open window
it scared the youth out of you and me
And we laughed..."

Fanta (unt rosé)
PORRIS! Haha jag röstar för byte av profilbilden på fb! ;)